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A woman asleep in her bed

Managing IH

Are you managing the multiple symptoms of IH?

Excessive daytime sleepiness: not the only symptom of IH.

Other symptoms include:

Sleep inertia

Severe grogginess or confusion when waking up regardless of how much sleep you get or how many alarms you set—feeling disoriented, irritable, or even clumsy when waking up and for hours afterwards

Cognitive impairment

Difficulty focusing, trouble thinking clearly, or memory problems due to excessive daytime sleepiness—often described as “brain fog”

Long sleep time

Ability to sleep for many hours of the day—
sometimes for 11 hours or more

Non-restorative sleep

Not feeling rested when you wake up, despite sleeping a typical (or more than typical) amount each night

Long, unrefreshing naps

Not feeling refreshed or better after napping (may even feel worse)

Are IH symptoms impacting you more than you realize?

Some of the things you've been experiencing may be symptoms of IH. Explore the statements below to see if you'd like to take the next step to manage your IH.

Excessive daytime sleepiness is the only symptom of IH.


IH is a 24-hour condition with multiple symptoms including excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep inertia (severe grogginess or confusion when waking up), cognitive impairment (brain fog), long sleep time, and unrefreshing sleep.

Feeling extremely groggy while trying to wake up after sleep is no different than daytime sleepiness.


The severe and lasting grogginess and confusion you feel when you try to wake up could be sleep inertia, a symptom of IH that can make it feel impossible to get out of bed.

If you have IH, getting more sleep will make you feel fully rested and energized throughout the day.


With IH, no matter how much you sleep, it’s often not refreshing. Similar to sleep at night, daytime naps may also be long (often >1 hour) and are unrefreshing as well.

There is no FDA-approved medication to treat IH.


XYWAV is the first and only FDA-approved medication to treat IH in adults. XYWAV has been studied across multiple symptoms of IH, such as excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep inertia, cognitive impairment, and long sleep time.

Take this quiz to evaluate your IH experience.Use the results to take the next step—talking with your doctor or finding a doctor to treat your IH.

Take The Quiz

If you have trouble getting up in the morning, problems focusing, and never feel rested no matter how much sleep you get, it’s time to talk to your doctor.

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From learning more about your IH, to helping start the conversation with your doctor, and exploring XYWAV as a treatment option—take charge of your journey with support every step of the way.

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